This is a total fabrication. Almost 90% of Sanders supporters voted for Clinton in 2016. A far less percentage of Clinton primary voters voted Obama in 2008. So, if you’re going to make claims like this, have the data to back it up.
According to CNN exit polls in 2008:
Exit polling also showed that Democrats who supported Sen. Hillary Clinton during the primaries overwhelming voted for Obama in the general election, 84 percent to 15 percent for McCain.
In contrast, only 1 in 10 Sanders primary voters actually voted for Trump. I’ll allow NPR to explain:
Schaffner’s numbers show that after a bitter Democratic primary, more than 1 in 10 of those who voted in the primaries for the very progressive Sanders ended up voting for the Republican in the general election, rather than for the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.
It’s difficult to believe your sincere about Senator Sanders when you lead with falsehoods. Please correct or share information that proves that the Sanders crossover was more pronounced than other years.
The more you dig, you will find that it was the fault of the actual Clinton campaign and their poor strategy of trying to pick off red and purple states rather than shoring up the so-called “blue wall”. It has been three years, it is time to stop blaming others for Clinton’s failures.