Bernie Sanders has had to explain his worldview more than any other politician in the country due to the socialist label. He has described democratic socialism ad nauseam. To call him a nihilist and compare him to Trump is lazy. Bernie has an actual critique of the systems in place which is why he correctly points out the many enemies. Trump does similar things untruthfully and does not have actual solutions.
A man finally reaching a million dollars in income in his seventies is not the same as powerful CEOs and corporations writing the rules in our government. This entire talking point of him making money off a book negating his views is laughable.
We all know what Bernie Sanders believes in and fights for, enemies or not. He believes health care is a right. He believes we need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. He believes we need a Green New Deal. He believes we need to make it easier to join a union. He believes in an anti-imperialist foreign policy. The list goes on.
Bernie is not a nihilist. Bernie is a man that understands the issues that face this country and he offers a different vision for the country.